Personalized License Plates in the State of Arizona
What do personalized license plates say about us? Driving down any given road on any given day, you will undoubtedly come across tons of personalized license plates in the state of Arizona. To me, it’s just a game. Each personalized license plate I come across turns out to be an invitation to make assumptions about the person driving the vehicle. I find my mind traveling to places with crazy theories, best guesses and I’m sure, most often of times, inaccurate presumptions. But hey, it makes my traveling time go much faster and the reason I call it a game.
Perfect example, I live in the East Valley and was driving with my daughter to a doctor’s appointment in Phoenix last week. First, I play the game by myself and choose not include her in all of my fun. I drive up behind a Prius with the personalized license plate DRVNGRN. How cute and conscientious…she wants to make the world a better place. I know she’s a she because as soon as I come upon a plate that peaks my interest, I most often times try to drive pass this person to get a good look at who’s sitting behind the wheel. This helps me embellish my stories…a little added fun to the game.
Ok, attractive, young girl, probably a college student who recycles and has made the decision to “go green” because her parents never did a good job of teaching her how to do right by the environment. I glance at my daughter…this could be her plate. Her parents were never too concerned about the environment until just a few years ago and even then, bought her an SUV for her 16th birthday because we felt it would be the safest vehicle for her. Of course now, this plate no longer peaks my interest because it just points out my parenting flaws. I am finished with DRVNGRN girl.
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